Friday, June 1, 2007

pros and cons. my breakfast

this morning for breakfast i ate fat free vanilla yogurt with a chopped up banana.

1. it smelled and tasted like marshmallows. which is one of my favorite foods

1. it smelled and tasted like marshmallows. it should have smelled and tasted like vanilla yogurt and bananas. it was kind of weird.

outcome: it's a draw!*

*this is the first draw in pros and cons history. apparently eating vanilla yogurt with bananas for breakfast** is just as good as not eating them for breakfast.

**yay bananas!


Massimo said...

nice label! You goaded a comment out of me!

LynnStroganoff said...

my intention was never to goad anything out of you.


Massimo said...

I'm sorry. I meant "goated".

LynnStroganoff said...

just as gross.

adam said...

Nice comment thread! You jokesters goated a LOL out of me!!!