Tuesday, June 5, 2007

pros and cons. penguins


1. they are cute
2. they make good movie characters
3. they dislike puffins
4. they have a good sense of direction

1. they aren't as big as i thought they were. (which is about 5 feet for inquiring minds)
2. they are getting a touch "played out"
3. they taste so good to whales

penguins = a win!

Friday, June 1, 2007

pros and cons. my breakfast

this morning for breakfast i ate fat free vanilla yogurt with a chopped up banana.

1. it smelled and tasted like marshmallows. which is one of my favorite foods

1. it smelled and tasted like marshmallows. it should have smelled and tasted like vanilla yogurt and bananas. it was kind of weird.

outcome: it's a draw!*

*this is the first draw in pros and cons history. apparently eating vanilla yogurt with bananas for breakfast** is just as good as not eating them for breakfast.

**yay bananas!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

georgie von funky hair

i could be wrong, but sometimes i think the plant on my desk is only trying to grow so he can reach out and touch me while i type.

he's needy.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

pros and cons. bug edition

1. they are gross
2. they smell funny
3. they want to get in your mouth
4. they watch you get undressed
5. they are always milling about doing nothing useful

1. since you are bigger than them, they might see you and think you are their leader.
this prob won't happen in many other instances.

bugs = a big fat lose

Friday, May 25, 2007

pros and cons. taco edition

1. fun to eat
2. fun to make
3. they make an excellent taco salad the day after
4. while in the presence of a taco, festive headgear is not only allowed, it's suggested
5. the food "taco" shares its name with my beloved goldfish "taco"

1. the weird taco meat stains your tupperware
2. overeating is almost guaranteed, followed by stomachache
3. my fish "taco" gets sad when i talk about it being "taco day" and i don't do anything nice for him

tacos = a win

Friday, April 27, 2007

fish hooking

when i was in my youth, i held a job at costco. i worked as a receipt checker with a fabulous team of young adults and mentally challenged elderly folk. although double checking long receipts with a highlighter was rewarding, the best part of my job was a customer named arbit adams. i didn't know much about him, none of us did. i haven't seen arbit in some years, but i still think about him from time to time. and wonder how many prostitutes are dead in his basement.

where are you arbit?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

9:17 is my favorite time to blog

i have no second favorite.

better late than never

at the age of 25 i finally learned how to get my bangs to stay over to one side.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

a very special april 11th post

happy birthday david stroganoff.

Friday, April 6, 2007

self-realization #1

when i see an animal out and about (this includes, but is not limited to dogs) i smile at them and sometimes when in a particularly good mood, say hello.

once said animal has passed and is on his way, i wonder what the day has in store for him.
and if his day is going to be more exciting than mine.

blog-realization #1

sometimes i think the time and date on this blog aren't even trying.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

the middle child

in case you were ever wondering what the saddest bite of the day is, the answer is lunch.
the last bite of lunch is the saddest bite of the day.

that being said, i plan ahead and try to leave the absolute best bite tasting bite for last, (you know, a little bit of everything on the fork) but alas, it never works. i'm always sad. i guess it's because lunch is over and i'm still hours away from dinner.

lunch you're a constant disappointment.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Goldfish and cookies

recently i got an email from a reader named jan from durholwn, north carolina. she's a loyal reader and great gardener. i thought i'd share the email with you:


First off I justed wanted to let you know that my kids and I adore your blog.
Also, i wanted to know how you get your chocolate chip cookies so soft and
chewy? Please Lynn! What's your secret?!?!

A reader, but Friend first,
Jan from Durholwn, North Carolina

well jan, the secret to my cookies is the same as the secret to why my goldfish, taco is still alive after 4 years.
pay little to close attention to them. cookies have natural instincts. they'll figure it out on there own.

my view on life

or at least from my desk.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Aa Bb Cc

Aa Bb Cc

every now and again i enjoy a good list. here is a list of words that i, either made up unknowingly or had the meaning completely wrong.

example, "Keep going my house is coming up on the left, you didn't go furthenough."

i had always believed this word meant "going blind". think about it, if you never know you're using it wrong it's hard to figure out. until my mom said a couple months ago she thought the dog was going senile. i said, “mom, your crazy the dog can see just fine.”

in 3rd grade, on the school bus, we saw a dear with no head on the side of the road. everyone piled to one side to get a look. someone shouted out, “oh my god it's decapitated!” i replied, “and it has no head!” my mistake.

My girl likes to party all the time
yes, the old eddie murphy song. when i was about 9 i thought i invented it. except i would change the words "party" to whatever i was doing. there was the, i like to eat spaghetti all the time, spaghetti all the time and the ever popular, i like to pull weeds all the time, pull weeds all the time. except that one was a little ironic because i didn't like to pull weeds, singing just made the time go by a little faster.

that's the end of my list.


i realized something this morning. bananas and humans are a lot alike. they both get spots on them and turn soft as they get older. before i realized this similarity i enjoyed eating bananas that were "in their golden years".
not anymore.

now it makes me feel like i am biting into an old person.
and i quite like the elderly.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

the bob

i just got a haircut. it's alright. i have a round head, so haircuts aren't that much fun for me. plus they are expensive considering your hair grows right back anyway.

i think you should be able to barter for a haircut. my haircut is worth a dozen cookies and a hand knit scarf.
no more no less.

i don't want anyone to feel short changed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hello Cyber World

My husband david has been blogging for months. After much deliberating, i decided it was time for me to jump on this information super highway. So here i am.

I enjoy puppies, baking, and miniature versions of things. Like the little demo tents you see at sam's club or Bj's wholesale. Expect lots of posts about those things. i also like yellow.